Dating Advice | Spiritual Singles UK

Dating Tips | Spiritual Dating UK



Jill Crosby
Want to take it a bit slower with meeting in person still? That's understandable, given all of the information flying around.    Wouldn’t it be great to have your special someone for mutual support? Someone with whom to problem solve,  laugh, play and be creative?   All of this craziness has been challenging for everyone, and if you've been single the whole time, it can get down right lonely!    It’s actually the perfect time to meet someone special. Really? Yes, really.  

How to Stay Positive and Meet Your Soulmate

Jill Crosby
How do we stay positive during times of turmoil and unrest?   Sometimes it can be challenging to keep your vibration high and to stay positive, especially in what seems like great times of change and upheaval, however, staying positive is a key factor in creating the NOW that you choose to experience.   When you can stay calm and in your heart you can help those in need and also benefit the collective consciousness, which we are all a part of. When you silence your mind and connect with the present moment you connect...

The 7 Keys to Successful Spiritual Dating

Jill Crosby
“Spiritual Dating” or “Mindful Dating” is an enlightened way of meeting and dating. There are no rules or expectations, and it’s about being true to yourself, conscious of the other person and staying in the flow. Conscious dating is more fun than the traditional style of dating, and it yields much better results. Using these spiritual dating keys, you will find that you are enjoying your encounters with other people in a pure sense and connecting on deeper, more soulful levels.   #1 BE BRUTALLY HONEST: As a rule, we are not socially conditioned to be honest. We have been taught to protect someone’s feelings by telling little lies. “It’s not you, it’s me”, “No, I’m not single, I’m flattered though”… I love the movie, “The Invention of Lying” where Ricky...

World Vision of Humanity Waking Up

Jill Crosby
The following is a vision that I received in October, 2011. It came to me in the evening before going to sleep while lying in bed. It was if I was actually there, living it. I don't know what created this mass awakening, however, it was very vivid and beautiful. When I came back to this realm I took copious notes in my iphone which was on my night stand. After meditating the morning of 11/11/11, I felt guided to share this vision with our members in the form of a mass email. I got sooooo many responses from that email that I decided to post it on the site. I feel that this vision is waking up deep seeded cellular (and probably DNA) memories for those that read it, feel it and connect with it. I share this with unconditional love and a knowingness that we are all FAMILY. In-JOY! Here is the vision I was given: Everyone on the planet...

Manifest Your Mate

Jill Crosby
Finding the love of your life can be a daunting challenge these days, without having a little help! Most singles on a conscious path are relatively happy and content with their lives; however, they would usually prefer to be in a loving, spiritual partnership with a person that enhances their life and gives them the opportunity to grow and thrive in a deep, spiritual love, making life even more enjoyable!    Incorporating the following tips and techniques will help you to manifest the love of your life in no time!    Get Love: When you love yourself unconditionally, you create and draw...

Which Astrological Sign Should You Be Dating?

Christine Hirlehey
You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what’s written in the stars.” – Anïs Nin You’ve probably always followed your gut when it comes to love. You know when you meet someone if there is a chance that you will connect romantically. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t, but the potential spark was there, and you felt it. However, there are many ‘tipping points’ in a relationship when you need to make a difficult decision, and your gut is pulling you in multiple conflicting directions. Sometimes you meet more than one person that you like and need to decide where to focus your energy. Sometimes you’re at the point where you need to decide whether to take the relationship to the next level. Sometimes you are in a relationship, but you are having problems, and you need to decide whether to keep working or walk away. While there is no magic playbook out there that can answer these questions for you with certainty, understanding your astrological chart, and the chart of your...

3 Ways Your Dating Expectations Will Dictate Your Experience

Wendy Newman
Are you a planner? I am. I love Post-its and daily to-do lists. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of triumphantly scratching things off those lists as goals get accomplished. It feels good to plan for every eventuality.   Expectations can be great for motivation and goal-setting, but when it comes to dating, all bets are off.  Dating is not a linear experience and "dating expectations" can prevent you from getting your heart’s desire. Here are some sneaky ones to keep one eye...

An Interview with Jill Crosby - Online Dating Site CEO -

Joy Taylor
How has online dating continued to evolve, and what trends do you see now? When I launched Spiritual Singles back in 2000, there was a huge stigma about meeting someone online. This has completely dissolved as success stories have become so common and most people know someone (or many people) that has met their spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend on an online dating site. It makes sense to have a large pool of eligible singles at your finger tips, rather than hoping to bump into the love of your life at the gym. It’s like shopping online—you can look at many different varieties and styles to find exactly what you are looking for, rather than physically searching store after store hoping to find something you like. By reading in-depth profiles, like we have on Spiritual Singles, members can learn a ton about someone's values,...

How Do I Know If They Are the ONE?

Nijole Sparkis
Question: "I met someone I feel so close to, but we are going through a lot of ups and downs. How do I know if they are the one for me or not?" Good question! Even though I was blessed with a flash of inspiration and my husband and I both KNEW right away that we were perfect for each other, this isn’t always the case. In fact, surveys have revealed that only about 12% experience “love at first sight” and less than 30% know their partner is right for them on their first date. Most people respond that they know “after a couple of weeks”...

Ungrounded Energy, A Widespread Issue

Cameron Day
It used to be common knowledge in consciousness circles that a person needed to be grounded both energetically and physically.  People would talk about what foods helped them feel the most grounded, how spending time in nature helped them ground their meditative experiences and so on.  However, I have noticed a trend in the last few years where people are getting very ungrounded, and are even encouraging others to engage "spiritual" practices that are very ungrounding.  (Spell check says "ungrounding" is not a word, but I say that it is.  ) Two of the adverse consequences of being ungrounded are that it can cause a person to be too easily swayed by the opinions of others, as well as be fooled by any of...

How Relationships Can Help You Heal

Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D.
"The journey of the heart is truly the only journey there is."  Relationships seem to be one of the hottest topics these days. Everyone wants one, but hardly anyone seems happy once they're in one! Most of the time when we are talking about relationships, we mean those intimate ones with a significant other. However, relationships abound in our lives, with a range from casual to intimate. In truth, all relationships provide us with opportunities to grow spiritually and practice unconditional love. Here are a few basics to remember when you are dealing with issues in relationships, whether with an intimate partner, a friend, or even a business colleague.  Relationships replay childhood dynamics and unhealed wounds. We bring others into our lives who will trigger these replays and thus help us with healing...

Intimate Communication when Dating

Robert Frey
The deeper connection of spiritual intimacy requires a dynamic interaction as well as moments of stillness and spaciousness. This constitutes the yang and yin of intimacy, the action and the receptivity. In a natural, harmonious intimate connection, there emerges a flow of giving and receiving, activity and stillness. This mirrors the dynamic nature of the Universe and all life. Ancient Tantric yogis and Taoists intently studied this interplay in order to understand and learn how to be in alignment with life. They discovered that both the activity of creating intimate...

Love is a Choice

Robert Frey
Once in awhile, if we are fortunate, a simple, yet profound concept will appear in such a way as to fully command our attention, shift our understanding of life, and gift us with a more comprehensive core belief. This was the case with a wonderful little book by Gerald Jampolsky titled, "Love Is Letting Go Of Fear". Inspired (I believe) by "A Course In Miracles", Jampolsky quite simply and directly postulated that all of our experiences can be distilled down to either love or fear, and that as we release fear, love appears....