Online Dating Success

Best UK Dating Site

Success Stories


Blissfully happy

Hello, I have met somebody from your site, and I am blissfully happy (and even engaged). When we have the time, we will write an official testimonial for you together. I am also going to talk to my fiance about our sending you a donation as another way of expressing our gratitude and saying "thank you". Sincerely, Heather

All that and a bag of chips!

The man that I met on your site is a licensed mental health counselor, a life coach and relationship counselor, in his own practice, certified in the same areas that I am (only he is more accomplished and has a lot more than me) and has a high degree of ethics and integrity, is a professional; photographer and writes the most amazing poetry. I cannot believe that he was available, but destiny wins out once again. Yeah for destiny! We have values we each bring of honesty and openness to the relationship. He is funny, intelligent, kind, compassionate, open, fluid, receptive, giving, and...

Twin Souls

Please take me off the list. My Twinsoul and I would appreciate it. My twinsoul found me in a search from Fl. I live in CA. I didn’t look outside of CA. She is packing up, selling stuff sent me a ticket to fly to Fl. We will drive back to CA. We are retired. That’s what we call being healers and able to work with Spirit FULL TIME. We have no hesitation with each other. It is too good to be………..a lie. My suggestion to everyone is to keep up dating your profile and CONTACT ALL of your favorites. Nothing can happen until you contact and when it happens it’s worth it. Love you,...

Love in the UK!

Hi Please can you cancel my monthly payment and membership with your site. I am happy to say this is due to the fact that I am now in a relationship with someone I met through the site. Many thanks Jayne

Man of my dreams!

After trying, eharmony and jdate over a period of two years or more, I met someone very special on your site--in fact--the very first person who wrote to me turned out to be the man of my dreams! Unequalled results for which I´m very grateful!

Forces of Nature

Thank you for removing my profile, I really appreciate your speedy assistance with my request. And yes, I have met somebody very special... It is such an interesting phenomenon, I put in writing while filling out the profile and low and behold, the most amazing man came into my life just days later! Don´t you just love the way the forces of nature work? Thank you again. Viktoria

England to Australia!

A naturopath friend of mine taught me the magic of taking the time to write a detailed wish list of the precise type of partner I was looking for. She told me to take a few months doing that and that she had done this and found her ideal partner. I took about a year to do this on another match site. This was 3yrs ago, I joined yet another and another site, and each time I perfected my profile. By the time I joined your site, I knew that I needed to have someone deeply spiritual, intelligent, health conscious, hopelessly romantic with high energy levels who was well groomed and had similar...

Michigan to California

Thank you for my time on your site! It took me less than a month, just that first subscription time to find a wonderful, wonderful man!! He is flying from Callifornia to Michigan in less than a week to meet me after talking for 2 to 4 hours every day, and if the connection is a good in person as it has been on the phone, we will have met our life partners!!! I think this is due to the nature of your questionnaire and also to it´s intent as a whole, that being a site for people interested in spiritual development, not just the mundane pursuit of rollerblading, hockey games and dinners...

Wonderful Blessing

I have met the most wonderful woman in my life on your site! I send a tremendous gratitude for meeting my soulmate on your site. What a blessing! A wonderful and powerful success story! THANK YOU!! FOR THE WONDERFUL BLESSING OF BRINGING MY SOULMATE TO ME. Many blessings and Namaste´ Bob

Another Wedding!

I have found a special someone. I always talk up your site to anyone I meet who is in the consciousness raising world who is looking for a partner. Please delete my account as the wedding date is set for May 23 2005. I hope that I never need your site again but I will continue to promote your site to friends and family who I think are in the conscious-raising community.



You can manifest whomever you want

Hi there
THANK YOU !! I Have found love here goes my reply:

I have just read my profile with the  new love of my life by my side, he giggled at some of the things I wrote about myself - (for we actually didn't meet through the site). I know that writing the profile and gaining confidence by talking to some of the lovely members on the site meant I was telling the Universe I was ready to embrace my new soul mate. The site is wonderful and helps one embrace the uncertainty of dating again, thank you for being there for me and although I hope I won't need to return, if I am...

Man of my dreams in Canada!

Hi there -
Well I can't explain it, but I met the man I know I've been waiting for forever.  He lives in Canada and I'm in Colorado - but we're meeting in the middle in Montana and going from there. I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity you've given us.  We'd love to hear from other international soulmates who can give us any pointers! 

Thank you - this is truly a site of miracles.
Englewood, CO

Coast to Coast True Love

I would like to discontinue my membership. . .because you did your job so well!!  (LOL)   I was fortunate enough to 'meet' a wonderful man from the first day I joined your service.  We have so much in common and the connection was immediate.  The opportunity to know each other, without your service, would have been unlikely as we were living on opposite coasts. 
My lifestyle and career did not permit me the time to meet someone in the 'traditional' manner.  Who would have thought someone could find a true love on the Internet??  I have to say that I think you get to...

Love of my life

Hi! I sought to remove myself from your list because I have found the love of my life. I truly apreciate the part you played in my relationship and will recommend your site to any interested parties.  Thank you in advance for removing me or helping me to do so. Blessings!

The power of intention

Two years ago now I created a profile on your site.  I liked that there was a site for spiritualy dedicated people and I also understand the power of intention.  If I really wanted a partner in my life I had to show up, yet being an extremely busy person no time seemed available in my life; this site was my answer. Through developing a profile I became clear on who I am and also on who would truly complement me.  This was incredibly invaluable to me, this process prepared me for the magic of perfect connection, someone who I casually bumped into on a business trip and then months later in...

Special Someone Found


Great Job!

I want to thank you for the great job you do! I have
found someone special and would like for you to remove
my profile from your website...

Thanks again,

Words of Encouragement

I want to thank you for being the vehicle for finding my soulmate!
I would like you to please remove my profile from the database
since I no longer need it there! 
I want to encourage others to open their search up to the whole
planet, instead of just local areas.  If I hadn't, I wouldn't have found
him.  (He's in Canada, and I am in US)  Also...don't just go by the
photo.  He didn't end up looking at all like I expected....he is...

Soul Mates Together

Yes, I would like to request my profile be removed from the site. I did indeed meet the man of my dreams through your incredible site! We have been together for nearly a year and a half now, and i have no doubt that I have found my soul mate. We are happier together than either of us has ever been in any other relationship.
Thank you for everything and all the best!
Megan J

International Connection

Thank you for your letter.
I actually met someone through your site and we are corresponding with each other. He is in Canada and so the long distance is a challenge. Please pray for us.